Why should you get gel nails, and why not?

Are you thinking about getting your nails done, but you really don’t know yet?

You are in the right place then!

I had my nails first done, when I was 15 (6 years). I trust only one person to make them, and they are gel.

My ideal shape is round and I tend to choose more girly and pastel variations.

My Alice in wonderland inspired ones:




  • They are beautiful. They look perfect and you can design them yourself. It’s a great way to express your style.
  • Radically less breaking. If your nails break all the time, this will stop. Your nails won’t break unless grown out too long.
  • People (oh and pets) LOVE when you scratch them. 
  • Your nails last (around) a month without any maintenanceWhich is great if you are lazy as me.
  • Your cuticles will thank you. If you have dry, painful cuticles and nothing help, then this will.



  • It hurts sometimes. Curing can be torture, especially around the time of your period.
  • Your own nails are weak afterwards. Your nails will grow back stronger, but until then, they will break like crazy.
  • They take a long time to make. File, shape, cure, file, color, cure, file, enjoy! Perfection takes time. A few hours of time, to be honest.

Have you ever had gel nails? Do you like them? Let me know about your experiences, I’m curious!




Is this a joke??

Oh my… so I don’t have any responsibilities right now and still, I don’t have enough time for this place.

I can finally see!

I have my contact lenses, finally. I know it’s weird to have my first pair at the age of 20. But what can I do? My doctor refused to prescribe them to me. (I have astigmatism.) I had to change doctors, because she was in an accident and wasn’t able to work anymore. New one happily prescribed them to me. So here I am, finally able to see without glasses. I’m so happy.

img_3103.jpgLook at my lens case, I love it so much.

Do you wear lenses?  What do you find more comfortable, glasses or lenses? Why?

I like lenses better. For several reasons, I hate wearing 2 pairs of glasses on 3D movies, and I don’t even feel lenses in my eyes.

Practice makes perfect!

So I started to practice some bits and pieces of graphics. Right now it’s very far from being fine (even though my boyfriend claims otherwise), but at least I’m learning the interface and it’s fun.



What a joke!

Ok, now on a serious note. I needed a quick fix yesterday, so I grabbed first tea I could find in my cupboard, and guess what I’ve got?! The shortest  tea bag string thing ever….


Is this some type of joke tea makers are pulling on me?

Anyways, I had a good laugh. And now I know now, why I love loose leaf tea much more.